
Shine a light and guide me back home



3 Years
02-07-2014, 07:58 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2014, 07:59 AM by Lysis.)

It was interesting to meet new wolves in her pack, even if they were not directly related. Of course, Lysis didn't understand the link between herself and the girl -- she was merely a child in the pack, not one of her brothers or sisters. Just another child. Talvi replied that she didn't think she was related, and Lysis would simply shrug in response. What a shame. Though she wasn't quite sure why she cared so much in the first place.

The girl seemed willing to follow her, and the young child felt a slight surge of pride in her chest at how quickly she listened. Lysis was not exactly bossy, but she had spent some time alone as a child, and was finally growing aware of how powerful she could be with both words and actions -- as powerful as a child could be, that is. She mattered much more than she ever imagined.

The wash was an interesting place to explore, she noted, beginning to pad further down the slight crevice in the earth. The marble was splashed with various colors, blacks and reds and browns; reminding her very much of Talvi's pelt. She would walk for a moment, careful on the smooth stones. "Were you born here, Talvi?" Lysis inquired after a moment of silence, turning to gaze at her new friend. She didn't remember her first few days, but she knew this had always been her home. Maybe not the wash in particular, but Glaciem. The idea that the girl might be from some far-away land made her imagination soar.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.