
Sweet punishment


02-07-2014, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2014, 07:31 AM by Epiphron.)

She was angry. He had all but vanished from her. Did he honestly think he could just disappear? Just slip from her grasp without injury? A perpetual snarl curled her dark lips, pools of coral hard and cruel. Audits had fallen back against her skull, hackles lifted. Rage rolled off her in waves. He belonged to her. He had the freedom to come and go so long as he had answered her calls. But he had no. He had failed. Paws pressed into the earth, toes flexing and claws grabbing for traction.

Tail lashed dangerously above her hips. She had spent a good deal of time tracking him, it had only heightened her rage. He had joined a pack. Did he think an Alpha could protect him from her wrath? Jaws snapped together, lashing out at nothing. Heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst. The stench of pack invaded her nostrils, bringing her to stand still. He was here. There was no doubt about it.

Her crown would lift, jaws parting enough to release a commanded. He had better make an appearance. And he had better do it now. She would remain standing, her hulking form quivered with barely contained rage. He had abandoned her, and his plans for revenge. He had failed. Miserably. And now he would pay. He thought it was bad the day she had claimed him? He had unleashed her demons on himself. There would be no hope.

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