
We stand together, in a crowd


02-07-2014, 04:28 PM

They would come, only one of the gamma's would receive the call, and the others weren't even supposed to be called. Beta, Alphess, heir, it surprised her by their scents and to actually admit made her a little bit nervous. The blue maned lady was first presented with Odette, someone she had first met other than azalea upon the lands besides Chrysanthe for acceptance. A smile would form on her face as the blurred form only gave her so much to look at. "Not at all dear." Vahva responded to her as others began to show up. Guinevere, the one who convinced her to spare her life and not go after the bloody ice kings head. She dipped her head to the direction of the form and the scent. She was about to say something but when Chrysanthe showed up she answered Guinevere anyway. She sighed a little, it was sad, but she was certain that the man would return eventually. "I still can't see totally well Surreal, but it'll be gone within a few days. I've been treating it with the necessary herbs" Sometimes she forgot that she wasn't just a warrior, that she was a healer as well. A shaman, but that was like a fairy tail hidden under a bunch of old papers.
"Hello Chrysanthe, Gael." She greeted to the two who didn't speak to her directly. A dip of her head was in order, since she felt it was respectful really. The last to show was Flamesong, the only gamma to present herself. Oh well, Vahva would work with what she had, after all, she herself was not yet recovered from the storm. This was only a fun, get to know, sparring exercise. She was wondering if everyone would participate even if not gamma or the other. "I've been alright, dang Ash got in my eyes, but nothing permanent." She answered to Flamesong, once everyone was settled. Vahva cleared her throat raising her head to look at all of them. "For those of you who do not know me yet I'm Vahva Hutashi. I'm a newly appointed digamma and wanted to call for a quick sparring meeting. Though it looks like only Flamesong showed from the Gamma's. First we should introduce ourselves and say a little about ourselves. I'll then separate you into pairs. Since Surreal, Chrysanthe, and Gael are here. I'd like to ask the honor that they participate since they would make pairs even." Vahva said with a smile. "I already said my name so let's say a little bit about myself. My mother was lead healer of Valhalla before the volcano on Glaciem lands exploded long ago. My father was a fighter. So I am Valhallan born. I'm a healer and a fighter and everyone here is my family so I will protect them to the end. I hope you all accept me." She dipped her head. Then waited for the others. Hoping she wasn't putting on too much pressure.
