
Tag, You're It.



4 Years
02-07-2014, 07:43 PM

Spying Eyfura, the brute made a beeline for her. He'd followed Baldur for some time and upon reaching him, was excited to see that his younger brother had taken up a challenge. It would do him some good, Thor was sure, to vent his pent up aggression. Their family had a way of doing that; making someone so tense and angry they just wanted to explode. Out of all the ways he could settle himself, this one was one of the best. The burly brute himself was feeling more than a bit tense, although for whatever reason he desired to let his frustration out quietly, which was so far from his normal way of handling things that he half wondered if he was coming down with something. Perhaps he just wanted to try something soothing and not be such a beast for once. Whatever the reason, Thor wasn't entirely sure what he was looking for as a release. He had no idea where to begin; all his life he'd been taught and molded around the belief that war solved everything. Now that he was free of the pack and finally branching out, he honestly didn't know what to do with himself, knowing only that he wanted to do something different.

"Eyfura," he rumbled, announcing his presence as he came up behind her. The brute found himself smiling, and a little digging around within himself confirmed what he so readily spread across his features: he was sincerely pleased to see his sister. What had happened when they'd all reunited over Hati's body was behind him. His temper had cooled and even though he remained somewhat tense from the whole ordeal, Thor was in a decent mood.

The brute lay down beside his sister and fixed his gaze on Baldur and his opponent. He couldn't begin to understand her serious ways, so even though he'd readily speak to her, Thor wasn't about to initiate a discussion. Being satisfied with her presence alone, he would accept her silence just as readily as he'd accept her conversation.

Movement out of the corner of his eye briefly drew Thor's attention to the other spectator, but sensing nothing alarming or extraordinary about the young girl, his gaze quickly darted back to the contest. For a brief moment his mind was occupied with questions about her presence, but he just as quickly abandoned them. It was none of his business.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]