
Stirring the Embers of Desire



7 Years
02-07-2014, 09:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could already tell he was quickly regaining his spent energy and it made her paws tingle where he had licked them, the echoes of those soft yet powerful growls rumbling through her and keeping the smile upon her face present. So much strength, such passion. She could not imagine a better suited male for herself, could not imagine finding another who could compliment and complete her the way he could. She moved with his touch, pressed close to him as he curled around her and drew her in nearer to him. It was such a wonderful feeling, being wrapped up within his embrace. Tahlia felt warm, safe, a comforting sense of belonging that she admittedly had been lacking within her home in Seracia. Home had never meant anything more to her than the place where she rested her head at night, but at the moment she was beginning to wonder whether it might have been right here with Bane all along.

His question reminded her with a somewhat painful realization that the present happiness was only temporary, and with her head tucked and face hidden she felt her brow furrow disappointedly as she gave it thought. "Soon," she answered, "as soon as can be managed." Did she really even wish to return? If she was being honest, no. If it had been safe, she would have left with the children to live with her husband as soon as he had been banished. It had been agreed that pack life would have been safer, more comfortable, and overall better for the children. And now, when her mind should have been focused upon ensuring good livelihoods for both herself and her children, Tahlia felt distracted by her longing to have her other half close by where he belonged. If only she thought Loccian's opinion could have been changed she might have tried, but the healer was as stubborn and resolute as she was incredibly skilled in her craft. Trying with her was no use; she was not going to budge.

"I wish I could stay," she admitted in a whisper, doing her best to keep the sadness she felt from influencing her tone. The complications of their separation were unchangable; there was no use adding her own personal burden to his. Still in a controlled whisper, she continued, trying to be informative and not entirely complaining, "Seracia has changed so much. It feels strange there now." And worse because you are gone, she added in thought though refrained from doing so aloud. Instead, she tried for a lighter tone, rather teasingly whispering, "And there is no one there to consistently interrupt my fishing anymore."