
Surprise Additions



02-07-2014, 11:07 PM

A brow would raise when Tahlia began, of course she had visited him recently, his scent was still in her pelt. As she continued though she could feel something begin to boil beneath the surface, as if she knew what the woman was about ti say. And there it was, she believed she was pregnant again. Even if new life was great news to hear, this was not, especially considering it was Bane's and the woman had been slacking greatly in her duties. Eyes would narrow upon the woman as Loccian held her head high, though weakening from her illness, she would not let it get her. ?It appears you are following your husbands pawsteps, do you not realize the Kingdom is to come first?? Her voice would come out stern with a hint of coldness, an unnatural displeased look upon her face. ?Seracia is already filled with children, and we are about to reach our limit. We don't have enough members to protect or provide for all these mouths.? She would pause to catch her breath, but Tahlia would not be allowed to speak yet. "You have become more and more scarce since that wolf was banished... If your loyalties aren't with the pack then this is no place for you. Take your children and leave. " Expression and still as a statue, showing no emotion but a hint of displeasure. She would not feel bad for her decision, didn't care. Like her husband, Tahlia should have thought about her family before running off and acting like a teenager. When joining a pack you were to be loyal to it, contribute and follow its laws. Not join and do as you pleased. Was this what she wanted in the first place, have an excuse to leave? Whatever it was it would be a poor decision, there was safety in numbers, and even though she had her children, Bane wouldn't be around much longer to attempt to protect them.


Awesome table by Lu <3