
a pleasant diversion



3 Years
02-10-2014, 02:39 PM

Follies and nonsense,
whims and inconsistencies

Delicate white paws picked their way over the shiny black stones of the beach, the wolf they belonged to humming quietly to herself as she enjoyed the beauty of the seashore. Cream-and-gold tail waved saucily behind her in time to each bounding step. Every few steps she would give a joyful hop to the side. She gave little thought to the unseemliness of it all, nor did she much care about the impropriety of a young lady travelling alone.

As to the first, there was no one there to see her unladylike behavior so it was just silly to worry about it. As to the second, she had little choice in the matter, as she had taken no escort when she slipped away after her elder sister and hadn't been about to reveal herself to Alice before they were much too far away for her sister to march her immediately back home.

She had lost Alice's trail some time ago, but Lizzy was confident that she was - if not nearby - at least in the same general area as her, which was all that really mattered. If Alice could leave the family,then Lizzy saw nothing at all wrong with her doing the same, despite the difference in their ages. And Lizzy had always been a great walker, having a preference for it rather than sitting around being a ladylike, so surely she would fare just fine out here.

The young female continued her exploration of the beach, complete with the occasional hop, as the morning sun inched toward it's apex.

do divert me, I own

and I laugh at them whenever I can.
~Pride and Prejudice