



02-08-2014, 01:55 AM

?No, no darling; when I win, I cleave you apart,? vicious amusement would come in immediate response to the ebony foul?s idiotic challenge, the pale man?s mind fogging with the vile tendencies of his brutal revenge. And yet his innards quaked with thrill, writhing and twisting into disfigured gizzards of blissful faces, for a dispute was never rejected by a King who would flourish upon the limelight of pre-eminence. He would swivel to face her, sickened by her deranged features and fetid arrangement; unable to gaze upon her as a challenger, and no more than a rotting slave to her dwindling life, a carcass already bound by maggots and decay. The babe would shape within his reminiscence as an enemy, weaving bloodthirsty desires of acute brutality and warped defacement.

Defences solidified; stance squared, weight evenly disseminated, knees bowed, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws biting into the rocky soil, tail swayed level with an aligned spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered to ally with his shoulders, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against tapered skull. Muscles remained tense in groundwork, however supple to allow his freedom of movement. With the ambition to remain face-to-face with the foolish woman, Isardis would attempt to propel himself forwards; projected by the lurching of power gathered within his pelvis and thighs. He would strive to close the distance between them with powerful, extended strides.

Left shoulder blade jutted as his vision would loiter against her upper chest, wanting to come slightly towards her left, however not enough to misalign his ambitions. With his face held slightly away from her, The King would attempt to pummel his protruding left shoulder into the centre upper portions of her chest, hopefully directed towards making contact with the very lower portions of her tender throat. With any luck, he could potentially collide with her trachea at enough force to optimistically crush the windpipe, perhaps causing problems for her breathing and extreme bruising simultaneously.

Hungrily, his skull would attempt to be sent seeking towards his upper-left, jaws unhinged as nape would strive to snake forwards and spine would extend; stretched to its full expansion, grounded by all fours but attempting a pushing motion with his hinds; he wanted to try and take a vicious grasp over the top of her spinal column directly behind her shoulder blades; aiming to sink his lower canines into the left side of her spinal muscles, and the upper portion of his jaws into the opposite side. Should he succeed he would hope to hold; to endeavour to tighten his jaws at bone crushing velocity and destroy the hope of her column ever functioning correctly again, if not just cleanly, sufficiently wounded for the battle at hand.

As if to aid in his endeavours, an ambitious right foreleg would be sent in an attempted glide (hopfully) towards the woman?s left forepaw. Isardis would wish to weave his right ankle around the outside of her own lower left forelimb, to wrap his joint and paw around the structures of the ebony damsel?s and attempt to pull it back towards him. Meanwhile his weight was balanced against three limbs as best as was possible, equalized upon his haunches to allow yield by his active shoulder. However it would be short lived, tail swaying to keep his body weight centred; he wanted to cause her to trip, to lose her balance and send her shoulders tipping towards him, potentially allowing him increased manoeuvrability to try and cast maximum damage to his attempted attack towards her spine. Though yet to be aware of any success, he would rapidly strive to plant his right forepaw back beneath his chest; squared, and once again balanced.

Isardis vs. Seraphine ? Round 1 of 4!

For Glaciem and Permanent Maim ? Caused by any of the attacks made.

Attacks: Attempted collision with his left shoulder blade into Seraphine?s Trachea. Attempted bite hold to the muscles surrounding the spine. Attempting to grasp Seraphine?s left forelimb with his hooking right ankle, to pull it towards him and cause her to lose balance.

Defences: Stance squared, weight evenly disseminated, knees bowed, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws biting into the rocky soil, tail swayed level with an aligned spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered to ally with his shoulders, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against tapered skull. Muscles tense, however supple to allow his freedom of movement. Face held away from her upon attack, right forepaw quickly rebalancing after his final move.

Injuries: First round.

Ooc: Good Luck, Azzy :)

OOC; Ahhh, I accidentally edited this post with the Round 2 reply when I was getting the Table Code! I don't even know how I managed that, sorry- but staff PM me if you need a screen shot of the original/accidental edit for backup proof.