
chasin' shadows, livin' dreams that don't exist



02-08-2014, 10:59 AM

She would not even let the she wolf speak again before Song realized that she had not even gathered her name. Her eyes would widen slightly but before she could let her question slip out the fiery she wolf would speak again, "Lead healer? Maybe something to aspire to but my herb knowledge is not nearly as vast as i would like it to be. I know how to treat the wounded but not so much the sick. I would love to learn more from you if you would allow it. Then maybe one day I can take the classes off your paws when you deem me worthy?" Song would nod in acknowledgement, she would gladly teach as much as she knew. She wondered how long the woman intended upon staying, hopefully long enough to give her children a good place to grow. Ludicael was a wonderful place to grow, so long as you taught your children how to swim, at a young age. Her own would come to grow with the new arrivals of the pack. She hoped they might form lasting friendships. "What are the philosophers lessons? And who is the philosopher? I would love a tour if you have the time, I know life as an alpha must be tiresome so i don't want to keep you if you have other matters? I was here before when Jupiter ruled just the mangrove, I curious to know what ideals your pack stands on. Are they different from hers? Were you close?" Then more questions would leave the fae's lips. Song would smile larger, amused by it and happy to answer all of them.
First though, she had one more pressing question to deliver. "I'll happily answer all of your questions," she would giggle light heartedly, "But first darling, what is your name?" She would tilt her head again slightly waiting for her answer.
After sh ehad it within her grasp she would continue, her friendly smile still sitting upon pale lips, "Philosoper's lessons are just that! My philosophers are the four Teachers of the major arts, Healing, Hunting, Divinity, and Self-Defense. They she the most proficiency with their craft and the aptitude to teach." She would begin explaining the ranks of Ludicael now. "So there should be a total of four philosophers, right now we've only three. Bhaire is our Monk, the spiritual teacher. Aurora is our Huntress, and Magnus our Apostle, who teaches the art of Self-Defense. I'll be happy to lead you around and tell you more. There's been much change between Jupiter's rule and my own. We're a school, I expect my members, my family, to respect the life that inhabits Alacritis. View life as a series of lessons and challenges. To follow the will of the gods, if you wish."
She knew very well the population of believers in the divine was small. It didn't bother her so much, she would continue her belief until she died. "Respect is a big part of our life, you should respect all you come across enemies and friends alike." She hoped she didn't sound like she was giving Viridina a lesson, she was certainly just trying to give her th ebest insight she could to the new ways of her pack. "I was Jupiter's beta for the most part of the last year. when she went missing I had to take up the reins and lead the pack. Most of them were blood family, but I consider all of the members my family." She felt fondly for every one of them. Some she needed to get to know better, but with the lessons she would be teaching hopefully that would become possible. She would stand as her answers came to a close, she would continue telling of the pack, but it would be of the lands. "We have expanded our reaches recently, as you can see these springs and the forests surrounding them bear our mark. In addition the falls down the way hold our scent. We'll go around that way and swing back to the main pack lands, the Mangroves." She would motion her tail for the she wolf to follow her as her delicate paws began to carry her off.
