
Clean up



02-08-2014, 12:43 PM

He would keep a watchful eye on the queen while dragging the bales, for he would need to be ready if something happened to her. With that limp he did not know how much her body could handle, but luckily she would pause when she became too tired, which would keep her from overloading. Once the bales had been successfully moved he would turn his gaze toward his queen, awaiting her orders. The same picture would flood into his mind as she gave orders, and Themisto would nod and do as told. One by one he would work to build a base, setting a few down for support. Then he would drag them up and up until he had built a pyramid with an easy staircase to follow. Surly Loccian was at his side assisting, and he would continue to pay close attention to her. When finished he would climb onto the first layer of hay and turn to look down upon Loccian. "I do not think the barn will support both of our weights. Shall I remove them, miss Loccian? I would rather me fall through than you." He would state, a stern yet caring look spread across his features. If she wished to come along he would not deny it, he was simply looking out for her health. Besides, he could remove the branches quickly and easy. He would await for a response, the springs gentle breeze licking at his pelt.
