
Keep In Touch


02-08-2014, 01:52 PM

The young girl assured her that she would indeed visit when the time came, and that brought a small smile to play at the ivory features of the dame. She chuckled, nodding lightly. "That's good, my dear." She replied softly, when the sound of a summoning reached her tall audits. Who could that be? The sound registered with the petite she wolf, who stood and informed the giantess that she needed to go. A slight frown threatened to break over the features of the dame, but she didn't want Odette to feel bad about having to leave. The youngster knew her priorities, and that was good, there was no need to disrupt that. The tri coloured girl promised to return soon, and a soft smile curved the dark lips of the alabaster queen. "Good, I shall hold you to that." She chuckled in response, a hint of sorrow in her moonstone orbs. The youngster wished her well in her future, and her smile broadened. Such a good child, nothing would ever marr that purity she carried. "I hope so too, my dear. All the best awaits you in your future, I am sure of it." She would murmur, standing and offering a nuzzle to the young lady's cheek.

As the young girl trotted off, the willowy dame would follow at a distance, making sure that she made it there all and well. Broad paws kissed the snow covered terra with hardly any sound, liquid mercury optics watching the small form of her adoptive child reach a much larger one. Stopping where she stood, the dame with the snowy derma let a sad smile grow on her sharp features. Formidable fangs poked out from under her lips as they curved upwards in a lupine grimace of joy. Good luck to you, Odette. Until we meet again. She thought to herself as she watched the duo pad off into the distance. When they faded from the acute sight of the pale wolfess, she turned and trotted back to her den. A nap was in order, after she was awoken well before it was time for her to wake up in earnest. Curling up against the back wall, silvery optics would fall shut and sleep would embrace the lady.

.:Exit Aurora:.