



02-08-2014, 07:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2014, 05:47 AM by Chrysanthe.)
ooc: I'm really sick but i don't want to default xD I currently have a fever, and my head feels like a balloon - ehehe... so I hope this all makes sense c: if you have any questions feel free to skype or pm me aly!

A tiny victory, Chrysanthe was able to protect her left eye from being struck, and her opponent pulled right before she could attempt to grab hold of her jaws. She struck the Glaciem girl's left cheek - leaving lacerations to her face that may or may not be permanent. Blood was spilled and the battle would rage on. They were nearly head to head, but the younger female would use her left shoulder and jut it toward the right side of Chrysanthe's chest - and she would strike the muscle, doing minor damage because of the close proximity of the two wolves. There was little space between them to push against each other without pulling back and away first, and so the bruising left would be far slighter than the clash from earlier. Yet it did what Artemis intended, and Chrysanthe would step backward ever so slightly to maintain her balance. Her head would remain aligned with her spine, her chin tucked, her muzzle crinkled into a snarl, jaws agape and ready to snap, and her eyes were narrowed and ears were pinned to her skull - all defenses that would aide against a frontal assult. Her shoulders were rolled, and hackles raised, protecting the sides of her neck along with her upper neck and spine. Her toes were splayed and her nails dug into the ground for traction, and her tail was raised and positioned to keep her balanced.

As Artemis violently swung her head upward, Chrysanthe would have pulled a step backward - and so she would quickly close her jaws and tuck her chin further against her neck in further defense, snarling at the girl as she continued to pull to her right - it seemed the girl was purposely getting on the alpha's blind side from the alpha's point of view. Little damage would be done as her jaws clicked closed, and the opened once more as Artemis continued her attacks. As Artemis's jaws dug into the left side of her neck, it would be due to her rolled shoulders and lowered head that the damage caused would not be as deep as her opponent wanted. Her jaws would grasp at thick fur and skin, penetrating and leaving damage that would bleed - but be only a quarter of an inch deep at most. Still - it was the most damage left to the alpha thus far, and the pain was piercing, sharp and distracting, unlike the thrum of the bruising done to her chest.

She would attempt to shift, thrusting at her opponent's face with her right shoulder. Her body would push forward and to the right with her attack. It was an attempt to get the girl off or away from her neck, as well as put a bit of space between the two and make maneuverability easier so that she could turn and have Artemis within her line of vision once more. At the same time she would twist her head to the right along with her body led by her left paw. Her hips would be pulled to her left and with a subtle step she would try and angle herself so that more of Artemis was within her line of vision and hopefully she was aligned in a way that left less of her right side open to the younger female's attacks. She would attempt to grab the left side of her opponent's face - her top jaw would aim to strike over her left eye, and her lower jaw would be positioned to bite into her cheek. She would attempt to saw her teeth over the area and apply every bit of pressure that she could muster that she could into the bite - perhaps even getting a grip on the younger girl. Although she was blind on her right side, she would try and determine her opponent's positioning through what portion of her she could see through her left eye after turning her head and where her jaws had been in order to attack the left side of her neck. Sight wasn't everything in a battle with little space between opponents.

Her back legs would once again be squared after her shift, her toes splayed and her nails digging into the ground for traction. Her stomach was tense and her body slightly lowered so that she could easily push against her opponent or spring should she get the chance. Her tail was positioned for balance, acting as a rudder to keep her upright. Her balance was centered, and her weight evenly placed on all four of her paws.

attack: attempting to thrust into Artemis's face with her right shoulder, attempting to bite the left side of Artemis's face
defenses: head aligned with spine, chin tucked, muzzle crinkled, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled, hackles raised , legs squared, toes splayed, nails digging into ground for traction, stomach tense, body lowered, tail positioned for balance, balance centered, weight on all four paws
injuries: moderate bruising to chest, minor bruising to right chest (near shoulder), minor discomfort in jaws from being semi-forcefully closed, minor flesh wound a quarter of an inch deep to the left side of her neck

Chrysanthe vs. Artemis
round two of five
for Valhalla

EDIT: to include requested positioning drawing