
we're born with the death penalty



5 Years
02-08-2014, 08:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2014, 09:12 PM by Aldoro.)

There was no reply to his soft words, in which stung him a bit. The man wasn't a merciless beast in which went out killing a ton of wolves and challenging them. He was generous, and he had a soft heart. No, he wasn't a coward. But he just backed out of the dangerous. And this indeed, was dangerous. Over time Six had become a crush of his. He didn't want to hurt her and he didn't want her to hurt him. But that wasn't a choice, was it? Aldoro was obviously the weaker and soft-hearted one of the two. It bothered him constantly, knowing that some could be seeing him as a weak male. A weakling in which denied all requests to spar. This was his first spar after all! The man, before the woman began charging at him, squared his shoulders and lowered his head. His legs did not tremble despite his fear. He wanted to look at least a little bit strong. Aldoro's lips curled back so that his alabaster teeth were revealed and prepared. Finally, the black blob that was once a distance away from him came racing at him.

It seemed that time had flown by within seconds as a burning pain exploded in his chest. The man uneasily lifted his upper frame and stuttered backward, the mud beneath his massive paws nearly making him slip. But suddenly, another burning pain bursted from his foreleg theigh. This time he let out a quiet whine in agony. Since this was his first time sparring, the young boy didn't imagine the pain like this. It seemed like she popped a ballon once she snapped her deadly jaws around his legs. He could feel the warm blood slithering down his elbow slowly, the pain still pounding constantly. Now, loosing balence from her powerful shove, he fell to the ground and groaned as mud splattered all over his face. "Get up, you weakling!" The boy screamed in his mind. Momentarily he lifted himself to his shaky paws and glared up at Six sorrowfully. He jerked his massive frame forward and began to run at the woman, his leg, once again, pulsing in agony. But within seconds of running at the girl, he slid infront of her and attempted to shove her with the force of his massive frame. It wouldn't cause any serious pain, but a shock that could make her dazed. If he would of made direct impact to the woman, he would attempted to slip his maw beneath her chin and snap his now agape jaws around her neck. It hurt him to do this. He hated hurting others for no purpose...but it this was to impress the girl, so be it.


Defenses: Shoulders squared, lips curled back, body lowered ever so slightly, muscules tense, jaws agape, head lowered, claws avaliable
Attack: But within seconds of running at the girl, he slid infront of her and attempted to shove her with the force of his massive frame. It wouldn't cause any serious pain, but a shock that could make her dazed. If he would of made of made direct impact to the woman, he would attempt to slip his maw beneath her chin and snap his now agape jaws around her neck.
Injuries: Pain in the chest, massive bite in right upper foreleg