


02-08-2014, 09:16 PM

The man was growing on her, which was odd. Six would not throw herself at him. He had to win her over. The woman was usually quick to fall into the paws of silver tongued men. But, now that she was going to be a Queen she had to limit herself. Six could not deal with knocked up on the spot. That would require putting complete trust in another. The behemoth eyed him slowly, shamelessly, as he spoke. They both were relaxing within each others presence. A little laugh was heard as she rolled her eyes to his. "That it is, darling." The woman continued to smirk as she stared at him, her eyes were bright as ever. He then spoke more and the girl nodded lightly. "I do not give out my love nor my pleasure anymore. I need to know you can fight." She paused and got up. Six slithered closer to him. Her right shoulder brushed his as she walked behind him. A she curved around to walk to his other side another burst of sultry tones were heard. "I need to know you will not flee if times get tough." The woman then leaned in and whispered into his ear. "I must know you can love." It was a different Six he saw in that moment. She could turn her emotions on and off it would seem.
