
Cold Wind Took My Spirit Away



5 Years
02-08-2014, 09:20 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

She couldn't believe her little trick was working. But it made her feel bad too, her innards seemed to twist and make her feel icky. As she mother laid next to her she turned to snuggle into her. Her gently laid her head on Eris' shoulder."Momma...I did something I think was bad...I um..ummm..I was playing with the herbs. I didn't eat any though, I swear!" She voice came out in a rush at the end, drenched in distress that her mom would be very mad at her. She slide down off her mom, head bowed and ears down. Her tiny tail wrapped around her, as if trying to protect herself in the surely to come anger from her mother.

But the comment on the hare made her look up and at their meal. It looked funny to her, but smelled good. She glanced up at Eris before scrambling over to the rabbit. She gave it a few sniffs and poked it with her paw. She didn't know what to expect from it. She had seen mother eat before but the rabbit had fur. She didn't want to eat that. She looked back at Eris, questionly waiting. She wouldn't take the first back, not till she knew if she'd be in trouble and Eris took a bite first. She thought about what she might do today, it was a good question really. She had no idea. She glanced at the storage of herbs and plants then her paws. Head snapped up and she rushed over to her mom, nearly tripping over herself."I wanna learn from you, learn what all those plants do and stuff! She said excitedly, tail wagging, and amber eyes pleading.