
we're born with the death penalty


02-08-2014, 10:38 PM


Six did not want to hurt the man. She had developed a big crush on hi,. Usually men would take advantage of her. They would ask her for pleasure or even force her mentally to do so. But he.. he slept next to her. Their fur mingled and so did their souls. It was delightful, to just sleep next to him in peace. No funny business. No touching or whispers of sweet nothings. A burn swelled within the womans heart that made it thud to the beat of love. Yet, it was not love, not yet. It was way to soon to love. But, there was a flicker that could be ignited in due time. To hear the man whimper in pain brought her to whimper internally. Six would never want to harm him to the point of weakness but he surprised her.

As their chests slammed together he seemed to stumbled back. Her jaws slid to their mark, wrapping around his upper right thigh. Blood filled her throat as she swallowed it shamelessly. Six was much more ruthless then your average girl. As he was shoved back the girls teeth were ripped from their hold, which may or may not cause him pain. He slid back in the mud and she stumbled forward. He came flying at her quickly. The woman tucked her head, bent her knees, and flattened her ebony ears to brace herself for impact. He hit her square on, bruising her chest even more. Six gasped, the air had left her already damaged lungs. The behemoth gasped for air, wheezing could be heard, but she continued on. His hit caused her to stumble back quickly, though she did remain on her feet. He aimed low, his jaws going for her neck. Due to Six having her chin tucked he did not catch her jugular, it was more scruff and tender muscle then anything. The woman cried out in pain, a whimper. Due to he now being beneath her the girl would try to bring her left paw up and wrap it around him. If it were to do so she would press down on him to perhaps push him down to the ground. If he went down her knees would be bent and her muddy paws dug deep into the earth to keep her balanced. Her jaws would also snap at his scruff in attempt to latch onto more flesh to inflict another flesh wound in the mean time. Six would keep her eyes slit and her tail straight out.

Six v Aldoro



Defenses: tucked in head. knees bent. flat ears. bent knees. paws dug into the ground. eyes slit. tail straight out for balance.

Attacks: Six tried to bring her left paw up and wrap it around Aldoro in order to push him down. She also tried to bite at his scruff due to her higher position.

Injuries: Short of breath. Bite wound to her lower neck scruff and muscle, no vital areas punctured. Bruised chest.