
Timbvati Siblings

Elysia I


02-08-2014, 11:05 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2014, 12:49 AM by Elysia I.)
Name: Nia Suzanna Timbvati
Age: 4 years
Gender: female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Birth season: Spring (4 years)
Appearance: Bathed in the moonlit cream this rather small lioness reaches only up to 3ft high. Her small size is not something to be fooled by. Her body is corded with hardened muscles, claws sharp as new daggers. She is a force to be reckoned with. Her eyes are pale like her fur, a mix of yellows greens and maybe even a speck or two of blue. All swirled together to make a dazzling capture to any victim to look into them. Her fur is a master piece in itself. Soft fur coats her body, dense on the upper body but her chest and belly it is slightly longer, and wavy. Though a four years old, she still retains those faint little baby spots on her hind legs. They are not the dark golden of normal lioness but just a faded pale gold, just visible enough to see them. As she grows older, they will not fade away but forever add to her young, innocent look of youth. Forever marked to be cute, adorable, words she snarls at.
Ref #1
Ref #2

Jewelry: HELP!! XD all I know is I want white silver and blue fire opal. Very simple, dainty and cute.
Blue Fire Opal

Personality: Nia is rather quite but she is a headstrong and stubborn girl. She will not let anything keep her from doing what she wants. If she wants a male, she chase him, if she wants to be alone she'll claw you, if she want to do the impossible, she'll make it possible. She is a good listener though, always able to have an open ear to the other lioness' problems, rants, worries, you name it. She will give advise when she thinks its fitting but never takes advice from others. She will never ask for help on anything, preferring to learn it on her own, no matter how frustrated she gets. Family might not mean so much to her as it might others, and she blames the pride males. There are times she is about to run off, leave it all behind, but she cant just leave her sisters to their fate alone. So among the group she is often in the back, covering their trail, but dreaming of exploring alone. Should she ever decide to slip away, no one will notice since she is in the background always, till its too late.
Her small size is what makes her had the attitude she has. Never thinking she is too small not to be able to do something, and she'll prove you wrong too. Fear is a word known to her verbally but not an emotion she has yet to experience. She never feared the males, she would beat them up if possible, never fear being struck, she'd lash out in a heart beat, never feared hungry; are lioness not the pride's hunters? She had always found a way around, a solution for not being afraid. At times it might be her downfall in life, never knowing when to back off or fear her life was at risk. She loves to live and that's what she's going to do.

History:Four years now since she had been born. She had seen much of the on goings in the pride. Saw the abuse, but it only made her stronger, for better or worse. She had been struck a few times, only in the end to make sure she got in a few too. She never really thought anything was wrong with her life style. Not till they had to leave. She wouldn't argue with mother, wouldn't distress her more than what she was already. So they ran, and she couldn't be more excited. There was a whole world out there for them to see. New prey to hunt, males to fawn over, lands to devour its treasures! But she was always mindful of her sisters. Always remaining close at paw. Just a call and she would be there. But now where does life lead her in Alacritis?

Rp Sample: This place was not as hot as back home, not a dry and dusty. Head lowered to give the moist rich soil a sniff from an ebony nose. Pale eyes blinked before her head lifted back up slowly, jewelry tinkling softly into the night air. It was so green here, so alive and lush. Tail swished from side to side with excitement. Claws dug into the ground, flexing, feeling the soil roll under them. This place a glorious, nothing like she imagined the world could offer her! Looking back to her sleeping forms of her sisters she grinned. Silently paws would tread as she slipped away into the night.
The nights of so many different animals made her nose tickle. What would it be like to hunt one of them down? Would it be like the ones back home or smaller? The possibility of smaller prey made her frown. Smaller prey meant more hunting. That was not good for a bunch of hungry lionesses. Perhaps she could scope out a herbs tonight for a morning hunt. It was ideal thing to do but so boring. They were free now, able to explore the world as they wished! Shoulders rolled as she kneaded the earth. Could there be another pride out here? More handsome, gentlemen like males? No don't get her wrong, she could absolutely hate males and they're ignorance, but still she had a thing for them non the less. Silently she stalked on through the night, she would let fate decide what she would do tonight.

Plans: Meet Kus XD how fun would that be?!!! Maybe roam around the west and it's desserts. Might even try to make her own clan of large cats! She's ambitious when she wants to be, a big dreamer.