
we're born with the death penalty



5 Years
02-08-2014, 11:25 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2014, 11:32 PM by Aldoro.)

As the girl whined, he felt like calling the fight himself. He couldn't bear hearing her cry of pain. It seemed he was betraying her. No, he wasn't. It was just a spar. But even if it was--- the man was heart-broken. He tried not to hurt her too severely. But he was to impress her...the boy was in a flurry of questions and thoughts as weight suddenly shoved him to the ground. He squirmed and tried escaping the girls weight, but he gave up when the attempt seemed impossible. Then knife-like jaws wrapped around his scruff. He let out a weak whine, continuing to squirm uncontrollably beneath her weight. His ears flattened against his head slowly as his eyes drifted to her nearby pillars, yet still pushed to the ground.

Aldoro's lips quivered as he continued to snarl. Rain still poured down quickly and painted his face, making it hard for him to see things clearly. His eyes, though, were directed toward the woman's legs in which were stuck firmly within the muddy terrain. The man let out a low growl before attempting to twist around enough so that he could snap at the arm wrapped around him. This may, if suceeded, cause the woman to back off a bit. By this decrease of power amongst him he would have enough strength to whirl his downed frame around and push the girl off him. Once up, if the tecnique were to suceed, he'd attempt to spring at her and wrap his front legs around her, enough to push her to the muddy ground. By this he may or may not have caused her to loose her breath. But either way, he'd give her a turn.


Defenses: paws firm in the mud for balence, tail high, head lowered, shoulders squared, ears flattened against head, lips curled
Attacks: Aldoro had tried to snap at Six's arm that was wrapped around him, in order for her to loose some of the strength that was pushing him to the ground. By this, he'd use some of the bit of power he had left by pushing Six off of him and knocking her to the ground by jumping at her and wrapping his 'arms' around her.
Injuries: Massive bite on the right upper foreleg, bruised chest, deep bite around his scruff, weak