
Sky High



5 Years
02-09-2014, 02:09 AM
Irune Ezra Armada

Nearly half a year old now, the very thought was unbelievable. Had it not just been yesterday she had just met Ky and Rin? The russet and blue girl was slowly growing into herself. Her body might be petite like her mother's, making her seems very small for her age. But she moved with the grace bred into her. Paws fell silently, each step kissing the earth gently. Her fur was slowly loosing it's puppy fluff to be replaced by silken locks. The only thing to very change on the young girl were her bright amber eyes. Like two pieces of embers burning to stay alive.

She had never been this far from the den, often she stayed in the sparse pines, close to the heart of Glaciem, to her mothers and the rest of the pack. But with her growing age came to need to expand her range of exploring. She never really thought much of being alone, if she ran into trouble. It just never crossed her mind. As far as she knew anyways, was that no one dared to go against Glaciem for fear of their attack. So might be picture perfect of health, might have the natural build of muscles forming, but she had no skills in fighting yet. Eris was teaching her to hunt prey and herbs but that was it. Sometimes she'd try hunting on her own but it always ended in failure. So she was left to wonder about with nothing to do.

But this place, so new, held so many possibilities for her. The plants were different, for one the trees! Oh so many of them and so low she could reach up on her hind legs and reach the branches, if she was a normal size half year old. She snorted, ears pinning back. Since when did being smaller ever stop her? Never last time she checked! She searched the trees, looking for the perfect one to climb. It wouldn't have to be hard since there were so many. Trotting over to a tree she studied the bark, the limbs and it's height. Well, time to learn to climb! She reared up, placing her front paws up on the trunk. Hindquarters coiled up before she pushed off the ground with them and using her front paws to claw her way up the trunk to the first limb on the tree. Sadly though she only made it a few inches before flopping onto the ground. She growled softly and picked herself up. That didn't go so well, she needed more uummmph! She backed up a few good paces and gave a running start. This time all four paws locked onto the trunk, for a moment she hung there, almost seeming stuck before she claws her way up to the first large limb on the tree. The effort was more than she thought would be needed. Standing on the branch she looked around. At first being up like this with the ground below made her dizzy. But the view she loved too much to feel sick. Tail wagging softly she laid down to drape her body on the thick tree branch, much like a large cat. Maybe she would just hang here all day till someone came by. She laid her head down on the rough bark, loving the way it felt on her cheek.