
the vow


03-22-2013, 08:52 PM

Mind would warp and remember what had happened, their past and now what he assumed would be their future. She would remember him, she just had to. Perhaps it would just take his name to bring her to reality, to make her sure that it was him. The confusion in her eyes read differently, but he didn't pay much attention to that. Eyes roved over her frame hungrily, as if staring at her might somehow revitalize him into the man he had been a year ago before they'd been separated. He had to admit, even that was a blur to him. Then her words came, and the skin around his muzzle tightened instinctively. He was angry. How could she pretend she didn't remember? Was this her way of brushing him off? Was she not willing to give it another go? Did she not love him anymore. He would advance rapidly, closing the distance between them, hoping she wouldn't retreat. You don't remember. Well that's convenient, isn't it? A growl would reverberate in his trachea. Do you think me a fool, Ainslie? Tail whipped behind him, anger bubbling in his veins. Why was she toying with him like this? Why was she treating him as if she couldn't even be bothered enough to remember him? Snarl ripped from his lips as he pivoted around her, circling her like a bird of prey. Hulking figure would tower over her as his single golden eye remained pinned on her, ears slicking back over his skull. Saliva dripped from the downturned corners of his lips as they curled up slightly to reveal a centimeter of yellowed fangs.
