


02-10-2014, 03:33 AM
ooc: this shall be a fun fight! :D



move ONE of FOUR

She would chuckle at the man, if he didn't want her then she was fine with that, but she wouldn't let him get away with messing her up, he would be getting something in return as well. Oh how hurt he was, though not clearly showing it as he liked to put on a show, she could see right through him. A mere hunter of his defeated enemy challenging for his throne, ridiculous, but one should not underestimate their enemy. She couldn't wait to see his beaten body sprawled out on the ground, to rub dirt in his face. Unlike her pack mates she wouldn't simply let him get away without doing nothing.

An amused grin would be plastered upon the yearling as she awaited his move, ready for this fight, wanting to taste his blood and feel his strength fade form his body the moment she had him. She would have to rely on what she had come to learn with this fight, use the skills others had taught her, and use her body. In appearance the two would be evenly matched, well built bodies ready for a fight, Isardis only an inch taller than her, his weight not that much different from her own.

His move, a frontal attack. Golden and blue orbs would narrow to slits as she watched the man, limbs spreading evenly to allow her weight to be distributed. Limbs would then bend the slightest, toes spreading and claws gripping the earth. Head would tilt downward , then move back just as her shoulders moved forward the scrunch up the skin around her neck. Lips pulled back, wrinkling as she displayed her fangs, ready to get to work, eager to taste the man's blood. Muscles would tense up around her neck, limb joints and stomach, ear pinning back.


Mismatched orbs would quickly move across his face, down his neck, chest and limbs before going back to his face. As the distance between the two got smaller she would watch as his shoulder was pushed forward, coming in fast. Just a foot away from her Seraphine would drop her body, not completely to the ground, limbs bending and leaning her body to the right, right foreleg sliding over the ground to keep her weight distributed, just enough to allow the male's shoulder to slam into the upper left portion of her chest and over her own naked shoulder. Legs would go stiff, claws digging into the ground to keep her grounded, preventing her from sliding back. A quick move, sending a wave of pain from the area that would most definitely bruise, becoming red, swellon and with a few scrapes from the lack of hair to cushion the blow.

Warmth would spread over the left side of her body, the man attempting to grab at the muscle around her spinal column, instinct telling her to move her ass or she would have serious damage back there. With her previous move of bending her limbs and moving to the right to avoid the shoulder to her trachea, Seraphine would use this chance to slide her right foreleg right again about three inches, back legs bending to bring her rear end low, weight shifting partially to her rear. As she did this her shoulders would rise and come together, bunching up the skin into folds while her body did a slight roll to the right. She would feel fangs miss their mark, landing beside her spine and getting her behind the left shoulder. Top jaw below her spine and lower jaw closer to her side. Another wave of pain as his jaws clamped down, sure to leave deep puncture wounds she would feel for a few days, blood sure to begin oozing out once he released his bite.

With back legs bent still, she would feel a paw go and hook around her left foreleg. With her weight partially to her rear, Seraphine would allow this move, only assisting what she would do next. Head would come back and tilt downward, left foreleg being pulled towards the man's body, her right foreleg being brought closer to her body so it more under her. With this however she would use it to her advantage. Body would come forward, head back and shoulders moving back, skin folds hopefully bunching up around his muzzle to make his breathing even the slightest bit harder if not definitely. When her left foreleg was fully pulled forward her head would drop to his shoulder level and roll left, jaws parting and lunging forward in an attempt to snap shut on his upper right foreleg, lower jaw aiming for his armpit and upper jaw over his elbow.

While she attempted to aim a powerful bite to his upper right foreleg, bent back legs would extend, sending the female forward, weight shifting from her rear and towards her front half. She would aim to use her weight to hopefully shove the man back and off balance, keeping her right foreleg planted on the ground with her hindlegs (since she didnt do a jump, just shoving him back with force). While trying to shove him back she would throw her right shoulder forward, not a large amount of force due to their close proximity, aiming to further make him have to move back by having her right shoulder smash into his left which she hoped would make it a bit difficult to gain access to her neck and spine. As legs extended her left foreleg would pull out of the man's grasp once he let go, blindly stomping it down to hopefully crush the toes of his right paw and have all for paws on the ground to redistribute her weight.