
the vow


03-22-2013, 09:03 PM
He was suddenly angry, venomous, advancing towards her with such tenacity that she had no time to flee. Instead, she hunkered towards the earth, leaning back and coiling towards the ground in a sudden nervous posture, her ears pulled back uncertainly upon her skull, catching his angered words, so unkind. Ainslie had become a relatively meek creature in her constant state of confusion, and had no inclination to lash out or defend herself, and simply hoped he would realize she was telling the truth - she did not know him. Her muscles shuddered beneath taut flesh and her tail coiled between her hind limbs as Ainslie peered up at this stranger - Anthrax - with a posture of subservience and ultimate submission. Do you think me a fool? She suddenly remembered when she had first met (or first remembered meeting) Torvald, and how he had said those very words, and she wondered if maybe this wolf hated her too - what had she done to so anger the world? "P-please... just let me go," she whispered, her voice shaky as her skull bowed between her forepaws. "Whatever I did... I'm sorry." It was the best she could offer in such a state of confusion, and hoped it would sate the prowling beast's hungry appetite for vengeance.