



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-09-2014, 03:05 PM
Sin Armada

Insignificant words flew past deaf ears. Sin cared not who the bitch was. He had warned her, and she had failed to take him seriously in that aspect. So she had paid the price, and he had taken her life as payment. Cool air swept the fur upon his chest where the reek of the cat had been pressing seconds before. Sin watched with narrowed amber orbs as the beast stood back, hell bent on unleashing fury upon him. No matter, Sin would not stand down. The slightest hint of a smirk fell upon one side of his maw, the beast readying himself as the other stepped away from him. If he wanted to dance, then so be it. He would play his game, and yet the Sinner would keep his head in realistic terms. He was about to fight with a large cat, even though the black beast was two inches taller, he still held the capabilities of inflicting heavy damage. All Sin had to do was keep out of reach, make the demon work to reach him.

As easily as he was able to breath, his defenses slid into place. Eyes narrowed, ears flattened against his skull, hackles rose, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, head tilted low over his throat, chin tucked, teeth bared in a snarl, tail aligned with his spine for balance and to act as a rudder for quick movement. Neck scrunched to add folds of protection to the back of his neck, knees became bent slightly to aid in his movements, sharpened claws indenting into the ground to aid in traction. Toes splayed, body and abdomen tensed and tightened to minimize some damages, and lastly his weight would spread evenly among his legs so he would be prepared to move at the slightest of provocations.

The words of the beast would reach him, Sin unentertained by his antics. Did he really think he could scare him? Hah! Unheard of. Narrowed ambers watched as the beast slunk forward; A wicked grin of his own appeared briefly before rising into a roar of his own just as the black beast leaped forward. Predictable. The foul beast had started the brawl with the oldest and most well-known trick in the book. The first leap, something Sin had seen several times when watching mountain lions hunt their prey and fight among themselves. The crimson stained male was ready. As the beast pushed off the ground towards him, Sin would push backwards to move himself out of range. A swinging right paw would slice down his face, however, as he did not move fast enough, leaving a mark that would soon stream blood during the fight. Luckily, he had moved enough to where the claws were unable to attain a grip, and simply leave what would later turn into a trifecta of diagonal scars from top left of his brow to the bottom right of the corner of his right eye. A look that would surely make him more appealing in the future. He ducked his head slightly and quickly to avoid the blow from the other paw as he continued to move back and away. The cat would seem to land upon his fours again, swinging towards his face once more. With a snarl, Sin would lash out at the beasts swinging paw(Whichever was last to swing) and attempt to clamp down with exposed fangs for no more than a second or two on the tender pad, simply to deliver a bite that might potentially prove bothersome and cause annoyance for the beast. If contact was made, then Sin would release as soon as his teeth connected and keep on the move. He knew that remaining close to the cat could prove dangerous, and so he would strive to attack where he could without placing himself in fatal danger. Senses remained on alert, the male kept on his toes as he tried to keep away. Although this was not his preferred method of fighting, he would have to remain on the defensive for this one?A snarl erupted from parted jaws, spittle flying from his tongue as he repositioned himself to keep his weight even and his paws nimble. Any misstep could potentially end the battle in the blink of an eye, and win or lose; he would not make a fatal mistake. Not today. And if the beast so chose to kill him in the future, so be it. Sin was not afraid, sooner or later someone would come for his head, and what better way to go then at the paws of a beast such as this?

Fight Stats

Round: 1/2 for Dominance

Defenses: Described in 2nd paragraph.

Attacks: Sin would lash out at whichever paw was last to strike at his face to deliver a simple bite to the paw pad to cause potential annoyance/bothersome feeling.

Injuries: Diagonal slash across the face, bleeding though not heavily, will scar.

Out Of Character Notes: I apologize if my post was vague?I was..very confused by your post?and I tried to keep my part simple for now. I also apologize on lateness, I haven?t had the luxury of being able to access the computer freely.