
Timbvati Siblings



5 Years
02-09-2014, 04:49 PM
Name: Ayo Leomhan (Leo-wan) Timbvati
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Birth season: Autumn
Appearance: Silky white fur coats Ayo's delicate but strong frame. It curves around her well muscled body and her feminine curves, narrowing to the tufty tail-tip. Round ears sit upon he head, twisting a full 180?. Ebony nose tips a glossy muzzle. Razor-sharp teeth prove as sharp as knives. Hones claws accompany, making for a set a deadly-weapons, ready to be used in an instant. A real thing of beauty is Ayo's eyes. A rare pastel blue fades into an olive green as it nears the center, flecked with gold flakes the closer to the pupil. Her ancestors jewellery adorns the lady's head. Gold metal chains connects beautiful purple beads. The chain runs down her spine, ending in a beautiful sapphire. Another blue jewel sits atop the beauty's nose and hangs down beside her ears, the largest of them all atop her forehead.
Jewelry: Gold chain, purple glass beads and sapphires. Like Ife's but a tad different. Desprition above.
Personality: .:Kindly, Fiesty, Bipolar:.
Ayo isn't someone you would call easy to get on with. She takes a fair deal of getting used to and if you're not up to a bit of work, then there's no point in trying. If you do put in some effort to get close to the woman, you will be rewarded with many spoils. At heart, Ayo is very loyal and honest. So honest, that sometimes to a fault. She is very fun and likeable, on her good days.
What you read there was Ayo on a good day. The girl has a very two-sided personality. One day, she could be the happiest person in the world, while the next, she could go on a killing spree, but luckiky that hasn't happened, yet. If she's in her darker personality, she views anyone that she doesn't know very well her enemy. She could lash out at anyone that approached her, friend or foe. Although judgement is sometimes clouded when Ayo is like this, she won't do anything too extreme. She tries not to harm anyone too severely as she is still a gentle soul inside.

History:(Not required) your lionesses view of the past three of four years.
Rp Sample: Just a quick sample of how you'd play your Timbvati lioness
Plans: Any big plot lines you're thinking about?