
Sweet punishment


02-09-2014, 09:52 PM

He took no time in answering, which weighted in his favor. Her name rolled off his tongue, his dark lips twitching. Did he dare to snarl at her? It only fueled her fire, only enraged her more. Nostrils quivered, the stench of pack rolling off him in powerful waves. His betrayal burned in the pit of her stomach. She didn't care for him like a lover, but he had become a part of her life, a part of her childrens lives.

I have found us a home. Her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. Did he think she would believe that? "Do you really expect me to believe that?" Husky words would slide from between ivory daggers. Muscles would coil, limbs stretching to bring her closer. She wouldn't stop until she was within reach of him.

Moving with precise speed, her jaws would unhinge, aimed directly at the side of his face, below his cheek, wanting a grip on his throat. Growls erupted from her throat. If she was successful in taking a hold of him, then she would throw her weight towards, wanting to knock him down. She wanted him pinned beneath her before she would listen to anything he had to say. If she was unsuccessful then jaws would continue to snap until they met his flesh.

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