
Perfect Scars Upon My Wrist [M]


03-22-2013, 09:36 PM
The thick brambles were no challenge for the lithe woman, who was incredibly petite and found it easy to shuffle through the thick vegetation, weaving around and under and above the bushes as they popped up in her way. She didn't know where she was going, but Ainslie didn't much care, for she had no home, and slept in a new place every night, constantly traveling and searching for some semblance of understanding. She had an inkling that Anthrax was probably following - or at least tracking - her, but the oddity of their meeting and her coming to terms with who he had been in her previous life left her needing some sort of independence and a distance from him at least until it all made more sense to her. But she allowed him to do what he would, and continued on her own way, her tail flagged from her hips to maintain her balance as she trounced through the woods, her ears lilted to catch the noises of the forest and suddenly hearing a voice reverberate within the tympanum of her skull. Ainslie slid to a halt, looking around as she tried to find the source of the noise, and then spotting a female wolf sitting in a clearing with a snake coiled around her abdomen. The hybrid blinked slowly and padded a few steps closer, her expression somewhat concerned as she tried to determine if the wolf was in any danger from the predator or if she wanted him to be there.
