
The queen slayer's strife {Anthrax}


03-22-2013, 09:39 PM

The world had become some estranged illusion. What had once been twisting tales and rhymes was now fealty and kingdoms. Who was she? She looked in the broken pond of ice. Fragments of her reflection stared back at her. Her violet eyes were so full of wonder. Had the crown changed her so? Was it digging into her soul and changing her into a true queen? She had thought it was merely an illusion. Was it not a feigned performance for those that lived with in the clan to enjoy? She was meant to be a puppet, dancing for her puppet master, merely playing the role of queen. Yet she was no longer playing. She was acting and it was disturbing her.

She sighed and turned from her reflection. She was uncertain who she was anymore. She wondered when the pups would come. New blood for a new kingdom. She mused at the thought. Her stomach was starting to swell a little. Not enough for any stranger to notice but enough that she noticed. She was a behemoth of a woman with fur so gray it seemed violet when the sun kissed it just right. Her bright purple eyes looked around her. The world was flat and stark here. The cold chill still stole her breath away and she smiled. At least something good had come from her coupling with Kiaos. She hadn?t known she would have cubs, never dreamed of the day it would happen but she vowed to love them as best as she could, if she could.

Her thoughts were shattered as the world swam. Her head felt heavy and she growled. What was going on. She groaned as the darkness threatened to steal her thoughts away. She swore she could hear a voice calling to her. Mocking her. She shivered from the thoughts and stood on shaking legs. They almost buckled underneath her but she stood her ground. Her fangs scored the flesh along her forearm. Fresh blood seeped into her mouth and fueled her memories to life. She was a queen now! She would not allow that damned sub conscious of hers to steal her thoughts away. She was not ready to sit sweetly at the tea party and talk of days far gone. Of broken dreams and abandonment and those bright orange eyes that haunted her deepest nightmares.

?How many miles to Babylon?? she chanted aloud, her voice shaking with rage. She would not be stolen away! She was broken but she wasn?t unfixable. ?Three score miles and ten.? She murmured as the face of her sister filled her vision with a mocking laugh. She shook her head and growled, ?Can I get there by candle light?? the world was warping and twisting around her. She felt heavy as if some other being slipped underneath her skin. Her eyes shot open as she screamed, ?Yes and back again!? she was panting hard now. Trying to calm herself but the fear was almost crippling. She shuddered as the feeling of a stranger in her skin vanished and she all but laughed. Her throat almost was raw with the depths of her victory. ?Oh Cerberus fucking cock that was close.? She breathed, her heart still slamming in her chest as she pawed at the lingering affects on her mind. Was someone there? She blinked in confusion as she looked around. She felt as if someone?s eyes were burning on her back.