
Surprise Additions



7 Years
02-09-2014, 11:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

So cold. She could not say the crown sat well upon the healer's head. It had changed her considerably, turned her from a compassionate individual with a knack for restoration into a heartless ruler capable of cold, uncompromising judgment. Tahlia could not say the change was good in any way; in fact, the whole tone of the queen had caused whatever trust and faith she had in the wolf to dwindle away, and now, standing before her and receiving much the same stare that she had seen the woman once give her husband she knew it was gone entirely.

Of course, as to be expected by the look upon Loccian's face, more judgment came, calling Tahlia out on her lack of assistance toward the pack. Pride made the golden-eyed woman bite her tongue, having recognized herself the way she had been shirking her duties, but that same pride drew forth an entirely different reaction upon hearing the result of her actions. For a moment her careful mask slipped, exposing the raw shock that coursed through her being. Banished. Like Bane. Perhaps we are meant for each other.

Carefully she drew in a slow breath and regained control, replacing her stoic expression. There was much she wished to say, more that she wanted to spit out to spite her now previous leader, but why give her that satisfaction of knowing her judgment had gotten under her skin? No, if she was to walk out of Seracia, she planned to do it with her head high and dignity in tact. "Very well," she answered tersely, golden gaze hardening. She rose quietly to her paws and paused a second, tail giving a single irritable flick. Curtly, she added, "Please give my best to Destruction in case I do not see her on our way out." As the one wolf who had grown to mean the most within the pack to her family, that small goodbye seemed the least she could leave her. Tahlia turned and padded away in still the same prideful, regal manner as she ever had. It was not until she was well away from Loccian that she allowed her expression to darken slightly, lips tight against the urge to outright scowl while she considered how her family would take this news and how she would tell them in the small time allotted to her.

-Exit Tahlia-