
the vow


03-22-2013, 09:43 PM

He braced himself, ready to pivot on a moment's notice and chase after her. He may have been the one to pull away, but she wasn't going anywhere without him. He needed answers - demanded them. Although in her state he wondered if she could ever supply them. He would remain turned away from her as she spoke, stammering a form of an explanation. So she at least knew where she used to call home. He was split between anger and sadness, unable to determine which he would prefer to be. Biting words would echo from dripping lips. Well that puts a damper on things, A whole two years.. gone. He had wanted to ask her about Refuge Point, had wanted to know how the children were. There had been children, but who knew if they had survived.. thrived. Did they look like him? Did they look like her? It seemed he might never know. She would ask a question of her own. I was your mate. Frame would turn to face her, rocking back onto his haunches. But I suppose passion went when your memory did. Pain, suffering, it seemed it had taken over his life. There was no hope anymore, not now that she couldn't remember him. He had nothing left. His head turned to the side, bringing his right eye directly into the center of her face, where he watched her closely for any sign, any fragment of a memory. He needed something, anything.
