
What a Rare Trip, Indeed


02-10-2014, 08:13 AM
It was the strange smell of salt mingling with water that had lured Ellis down toward the beach. She had heard tale of the ocean before, but never before had she looked upon it with her own eyes. Teal-green shown with wonder as the dainty fae padded upon the soft black sands of the beach. Everything was beautiful, a captivating view, just as her mother had once told her. The water stretched on farther than the eye could see, and the beach, though it would soon reach the water, extended to her left and right in the same manner. The snow and earth female would pause once she was fully on the sand, taking a deep breath of the salty air. It was different and not exactly in an unpleasant way. 'How beautiful...' She would think to herself, taking a few moments of stillness to admire the beauty of the place before starting down the sandy stretch.

While her mother had told the young healer of the beach and it's beauty she had also told her that fish, as well as other aquatic creatures {naturally} could sometimes be found upon the shore when the tide went out, left in small pools. She was curious to see if any of them tasted any good, though she had no idea when the tide would go out. But Ellis was in no rush -- she was not bound by family or pack anymore. The world was open for her to explore, and her paws would carry her where they would. Meeting other wolves was half the fun of traveling, especially if they were other healers that she could potentially learn from.

After some time two scents would begin to invade her nose, and Ellis would prick her ears forward. Two wolves, one young, male, and the other much older, an elder, a female. She would proceed in a calm manner down the beach, eventually coming close. The female was the one closest, though the male wasn't too terrible far away. Considering the similarities in their scents, well, she would assume that the two were related. A mother and son perhaps, or a grandmother and grandson. She would bark out her greeting, not wanting to get too close unannounced and startle the older femme.

"A good day to you both."