
Baby take me high



02-10-2014, 04:22 PM

His smile would lift as her facial expression changed dramatically. It was apparent that he had triggered something internally, because now she seemed just as excited about the peaches as he was- which was great. He could hardly contain himself as she came forth, mirroring her cute dance with his own. Cheeks would burn as her paw touched his, a warm sensation filling his entire body. He would pull slightly with their paws hand in hand, aiming to pull her toward him for a moment before turning completely around and toward the rows of trees. He assumed she would follow him, so he would stride forward, quickly enough to cover a decent amount of ground, but slow enough for them to avoid breaking a sweat. He would head eastward since he had come from the south, and had yet to see what trees lie ahead. "I already came from that direction and did not see any peach trees, so I figured we would go this way." He would turn his head toward her, a warm smile played across his lips. His gaze would remain fixed on hers for a bit too long, as the man would clumsily trip over an exposed root. Luckily he would stumble and manage to catch himself, a chuckle escaping his lips as he looked shyly up at her to see if she had witnessed it.
