
Outside In



02-10-2014, 04:25 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo watch a trace of vulnerability creep into the fae's alignment, and he felt a bit of his heart soften. Once upon a time it would have been cold iron, but now it seemed malleable to his needs. And at that moment he felt a need to comfort the woman before him. With a soft smile Razo settled down on the cave floor, still maintaining a comfortable distance between them. "Well, I guess in some ways being alone isn't so bad." He let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes. "I used to be surrounded by others and trust me, that was not a good time." He shuddered, partially for comic effect and partially because he couldn't restrain it. All things considered, being alone was better than that, but he found himself enjoying small doses of company more and more now that his demons were easier to battle back. He wondered, as he so often did while in the presence of others, what they would think if they knew the atrocities he'd committed. Sure, it was one thing to see a scarred wolf sitting before you, but it was another entirely to picture them covered in blood. He sighed, and rolled onto his side, so that he might turn and watched the sheet of rain that was quickly approaching. He'd likely have to leave soon, less he be trapped here with the girl.

"Talk" Think "You"