
iron hearts all turn to rust



5 Years
Extra large
02-15-2014, 02:33 PM

He would sit in a relaxed manner before his den, sightless eyes reflexively moving from side to side as if he could spot Vi's figure as she approached. When in reality it was his ears that told him the red woman was approaching, the faint brushing of foliage reaching his tattered ears, her scent becoming stronger and more potent as she sauntered into the clearing, her paw steps now clear and distinct. He would feel her stop near him, the sound of dirt being away telling him that she was lying down before him. Been a while...Family out on an adventure I see? Well no matter, I think we have some things to chat about until they get back. If you wouldn't mind possibly telling the story of what happened to you and why Tortuga ended up on an island? Massive skull would be inclined down towards her voice, torn ears rotating forward with attention, nodding in agreement to her statement about the family being out and about. Maija had decided to take the children out to exploring that day and leave the titan to himself for a bit. There were times like that his wife just knew instinctively what he needed and things like that would only work to reaffirm why he loved his golden treasure so much.

Tortuga. And the island. Memories of the all the events that had led up to his flashed through the man's mind and he could feel his body instinctively bristling and tensing up at the flashbacks of his darling sire. He would have to take a moment to compose himself, milky eyes disappearing from sight for a second as he took in a deep breath, forcing his scarred figure to relax. He wasn't in danger anymore and neither was his family. He was on an island, far away from Glaciem and his family and friends were here with him. Everything was just fine. Well Vi, it's a bit of a long story. But basically I decided to leave Glaciem because I could no longer live under a man whose rule went against everything I stood for as a man. Upon my leaving I stumbled across Tortuga that had been recently disbanded and so I seized the opportunity and took it for my own. Everything was going well until my darling sire, He couldn't hide the hatred and venom that slipped into his words at the mention of the pink parasite. decided that he wasn't very happy with the fact that I had strayed away from Glaciem. So he came to my lands and publicly disciplined me in front of my people, including my own flesh and blood. I took it without complaining and I did not fight back. I thought that would be the last of him, but one of my mistakes during my time in Glaciem came back to haunt me.

He would have to pause for a moment, biting back all the emotions that came with remembering what he'd been through with Argent. What he allowed himself to go through for having been a fool. I allowed my emotions to get the better of me and I found myself falling for a woman that I should've never given a second look to. And when he found out, he came for my head. Though he didn't succeed, he managed to take my sight and my right to procreate from me. But as you can see, neither is much of a hindrance me to now that I've been in this condition for some time. As far as how our pack came to be on this island, it was because of that woman. She became lost somewhere and he couldn't find her, so naturally he thought I had tried to steal her away or something like that. He came to challenge me once again, this time to take Maija away from me since I had apparently taken his woman from me. He ended up taking Maija because I turned his challenge away, so in exchange for the return of my wife I allowed him to take the pack name and the old territory so that I could take our family here to the island. It was the perfect place to relocate to; safe and far away from the mainland and more importantly Glaciem. And this is where we've been ever since. He would finish his story just in time, the tinkling voice of his daughter Pandora reaching his ears. He would feel her tiny form rub against his shoulder in the next moment, a smile curling his dark jaws at her words.

Daddy, I didn't want to leave you all alone, so I came back. Daddy...Who is this pretty lady? He would chuckle at his daughter, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on her crown. This sweetheart is your auntie Vi, a friend of mine. Vi, this is one my daughters, Pandora. He would introduce the two girls to each other, already knowing that his daughter would take to the red woman like a fish to water. Pandora was good at meeting strangers, a quality she had inherited from him and one he was very proud of.

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