
A Game Of Sorts [Open to all pack members]


03-23-2013, 12:57 AM
Mahniya stalked the frozen tundra with little intent. She had not been given a command, an order. Gargie had claimed he wished to teach her but he had not come to speak with her in several days. She understood, he had a pack to run, lands to maintain... she wasn't sure what exactly he was teaching her, but she would listen and try her damndest all the same. She came to a halt near the edge of a short drop in the mountain, overlooking the sloping drop, she was, as always, underweight, a haunting beauty that remained silent and still against the stark contrast of white against the snow.

The sound of thundering footfalls reached her audits and they swiveled, straining to listen behind her, before her bodice turned, expressionless pools of blood watching the two toned hunter skid to a halt before her. She reached out to paw at her with one arm, the claws gliding through her fur with gentle ease, the word tag falling from her maw before she retreated... what in the hell did that mean? Just as quickly the dame skittered away, hiding behind Gargie and all the while she stood motionless, a statue, her brain attempting to decipher the strange and bizarre word.

Was she...supposed to touch someone else? The sound of footfalls in the snow reached her and her head craned to the left, Mercianni, Asheni's new apprentice came into view and with a frown of confusion, she galloped up to her side, coming to a halt beside her and mimicking Ocena's movement. "Tag..." The word fell from her maw in an embarrassed mumble before she took off, two toned form streaking across the snow, somewhere in the back of her mind, she scolded herself for so much as touching another wolf, surely that was not what the word had meant...