
We stand together, in a crowd

Rune I


5 Years
02-10-2014, 10:02 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It was strange how everything seemed to become turned around all in one night. The storm had hit, covering the island in a heavy, unrelenting downpour. The pups had decided that was the perfect time to make their appearance and had scared their poor father as they doubled over their mother with the pain of their birth. And not only had they chosen a poor location to surprise them - far too close to the shoreline - but during their move back to the properly safe location of the den Rune had managed to find a particularly slick bit of mud and had sprained his foreleg. Thank goodness it had happened after he had delivered the pup he had been carrying safely to the den so only he had stumbled in his inattention.

Since that time it had begun to heal, and already he was able to walk almost with his normal, natural gait. It no longer hurt with each step or caused a noticable limp but he could feel that it still sported some weakness and needed to be given care for a short while longer. He felt embarrassed to have injured himself in such a simple and in his opinion stupid manner, but at the same time he was grateful it had not been worse. What use would he have been to Alamea and their rapidly growing pups with a bum leg and an inability to keep her healthy and fed?

He had been taking it easy, despite his desire to be useful and active, and was actually grateful for the call that went up and out to all of Valhalla. It was not exactly his place to go - he was no gamma and certainly in no condition to prove himself as one - but at least he could show his interest. And so he had padded, albeit slowly, to meet with the other wolves to answer the howl, unsurprised to see that a decent sized gathering had already begun comprised not only of interested pack members but also highly ranked wolves of the pack. His pale blue eyes shifted from face to face as he found himself a place in their midst and sat down, listening to the tail end of the Digamma Vahva's quick lecture. To his surprise she left the floor open to the lot of them, asking that they introduce themselves and say a little something in their turn. He had only just arrived and naturally being of the type to observe and take notice Rune remained quiet, leaving the floor open for someone else to make that first move.