
plot with azilla


03-23-2013, 01:22 AM

Hey guys! [wave] I finally caved and joined Alacritis again (bad Azil bad) and this is my girl Ainslie! You'll see me call her Revenge or Rev around the site more often - which I will explain why in a bit - but she needs some plots. :D For a bit of a backstory on her, I'll start by saying that I've been playing her for around 2 IRL years now, so I'm pretty attached to her. This girl started out on Harbinger, under the alias Revenge, where she joined a sub-pack called S.I.S. This pack was overseen by a larger pack called Mortus Sero (MS), but due to lacking activity/interest, Revenge left to find another pack to join. Unfortunately, the punishment for desertion from MS is death. She soon met Anthrax, and was immediately interested in him, and (secretly) followed him back to the pack where he lived and soon joined the ranks of Dirac. It wasn't too much longer until she became mates with Anthrax, but not long after, he was brutally beaten by the MS alpha and lost his eye as well as became disoriented and accidentally left Dirac for a time. By the time Anthrax returned, Revenge was near death due to anorexia caused by severe depression, and it took Anthrax actually tackling her to convince Revenge (who was somewhat clinically insane by that point) to realize that he was real and wasn't a figment of her imagination. She accepted him back into her life when he promised to never leave her again, and about a month later, they bred. Shortly after, Anthrax vanished again, and stress causes Revenge to miscarry the pups. Then her pack disbanded. At this point, all the recent stress and trauma caved in on Revenge, and she developed dissociative disorder, which was her body's way of protecting her. This disorder caused her to forget her entire time in Refuge Point (Harbinger), and she unwittingly wandered too close to MS territory. Her old alpha recognized her of course, and was all but prepared to kill her until he realized that she did not remember her desertion of her pack in the least (or even him), so he took her into MS as a slave instead, knowing that she was a very talented herbalist. After losing her memory, Revenge reverted to her childhood name of Ainslie, and doesn't recall ever going by another name. About six months after being enslaved in MS, a volcano in Refuge Point erupted, and the wolves fled - Ainslie took advantage of her newfound freedom in the chaos. Now, about a year later, she had stumbled upon the lands of Alacritis, and has also been found by Anthrax, who is determined to help her regain her memory and prove his love for her. After all of this madness, Ainslie has become a somewhat finicky creature, and doesn't really like strangers too much. She's extremely cautious and often in a state of confusion. So! She could use some friends that she can trust, maybe some enemies, maybe some people to manipulate her for her memory loss. :D I'm up for anything, really!