
Wild Thang


02-11-2014, 03:03 PM
The strong creature had been entirely focused on Fugue latched onto his shoulder. The auburn man had gotten the coppery tang of blood in his jowls and would not rest until the beast was taken down. He continued attacking the same wound, lunging and lunging with razor-like teeth bared and piercing. He knew his companion would do her part, and was satisfied when the charcoal woman dashed from the rushes on the male's blind side.

With wide admiring eyes he watched the girl lunge multiple times in succession, each time returning with more crimson painting her dark pelt. Finally, and with a bit of a mess, the woman had the beast grounded and had torn a chunk out of its neck flesh. Panting, Fugue approached her with a smile.

"Beautiful, princess. I have never seen such a graceful hunt." He told her in all sincerity. His admiration may have been glowing a bit, and it did not embarrass him. She was definitely a figure to be admired.

He swiped some of the blood from his own jowls and realized that his companion was nearly drenched in the stuff. A laugh escaped his maw and he sat before her, his mind reeling.

"That elk has marked you, princess. I wouldn't be laughing but I know that it is not yours! Seems he intended to bathe you in his scent in his final moments, and of course, the first bite is yours." He confirmed and nodded his head towards the already mangled corpse of their meal.