
build me up buttercup

Hermes I


02-11-2014, 07:35 PM
The thick perfume of fruit-bearing flowers hung about the air in a haze. Spring was moving swiftly into summer and Hermes had finally made his way into Alacritis. While a quick and athletic wolf, the going had been slow. Hermes mind was as restless as ever and it took to wandering through the scents and curiosities of the lands, dragging his body with it. There was a certain freedom to being on his own that Hermes enjoyed but when it came right down to it all that really mattered to him was that he find his family. After all he was still young and there was still much to learn.

Deciphering the scents of his family through the must of the orchard, Hermes continued on his way, ruby eyes gleaming through the greenery. As the scent grew stronger, Hermes pace grew faster. Powerful muscles rippled beneath sleek fur as the boy propelled himself around thickets and overgrown trees. A flash of pale fur stood out like a beacon. Apollo! Next to him like the goddess of night herself, his mother stood cloaked in her pelt of knitted shadows. And his father too! What a merry day this was!

"Mother! Father! Apollo!" He barked as he raced into the presence of the group, skittering to a halt just before running into his tall and gangly brother. His tongue lolled from his mouth as he panted, his black-tipped tail wagging lightly back and forth. "At last! How have you all been?"