

Leon I


11 Years
02-20-2014, 11:11 PM

He didn't know what was going on, the male out of the loop for some time as he made his way with Ashtoreth towards the call he had seldom if ever heard. It wasn't that of Chrysanthe, no. This one was familiar yet different. However, the smell of mingled scents told him it was of importance, and he continued forth as confused as his mate. He wasn't sure what he would find once arriving at the location, but either way he would remain with Ash and follow her wherever she so chose to go. He came on scene with his mate, allowing her to go on ahead a bit as he strayed back some to scan the small gathering. Many were still not here, and he wondered what had happened. The touch of his mate leaving him for even the briefest of moments sent a pang through him, but he knew he had to suck it up. He couldn't act needy could he? Or even clingy? Then again, was it so wrong to feel such a way? After all, he had waited for so long to confess to her. Surely it wasn't a bad thing...

He followed her again, stopping at her side as he too looked towards the elder wolf. Questions were in his eyes, but Ash had already asked them. He brushed her side with his body, wanting to provide comfort to her as well as to himself. Would things change soon? He knew of the trouble with the tyranical northern pack, and knew this would have to do with them...they would be those kinds of wolves. the kinds that always tried to make everyone who didn't follow them, miserable. But this family, they stood together. They stayed strong through everything. "Erani, please tell me we'll be okay..?" He whispered to her for only her ears and Ash's ears. Clearly he was worried, more so for Ash then himself. Yet, he couldn't help but feel protective of her, wanting to ensure that things would be alright.