It took a few moments for Aldoro to realize where the sound was coming from. How the heck did something get between rocks?! He'd be way to fat, and a wolf would probably laugh at him if they saw him trying to squeeze his fatass between two rocks. He grunted. And what if he became the future king? Oh, that'd be horrfic. "Ahah, look! It's the fatty! Poor Six, probably wakes up sufficating with you flopped on her!" Aldoro nearly fell over. He steadied himself with a mere gulp before walking toward the sound of claws against a rock and a soft voice. He looked down between the two rocks, blinking with confusion. Ah, so it was a wolf. With a hawk. Danggit, he thought it was something tasty. And he hated hawks. Nasty, feathery vermoms. They'd only be tasty without the feathers...and he's not going to waste his time plucking a flippin hawk. He smiled down to the small girl with a few words falling out of his agape maw. "No wonder you got in there! You are very small...but in a cute way." Aldoro giggled and huffed softly. "Lemme go find a stick or something to help me fish you out..." With that, he turned and searched the area for a somewhat sturdy stick. Within minutes, he grabbed one between a rock, and made his way back down to the woman. Carefully he stuck the stick down into the ditch-like area and waved it lightly. "Grah un and ah'll pulh yuh up." The man said kindly in a muffled voice, caused by the stick wedged in over his tongue.