



4 Years
02-11-2014, 10:10 PM

Soft moonbeams graced the path before him, lighting the way towards a destination unknown. The brute once again found himself alone. This time he'd wandered far, leaving behind Baldur and whichever annoyance had found him this time. Honestly, it was like each family member had been given the homing skills of a pigeon.

Thor paused to stare across the lake, taking in the mist hovering over the water and the various fauna that called it home. His ears picked up the humming of insects and the throaty calls of polliwogs. Soft mud seeped between his toes, squelching beneath his weight. Hanging in the mist and casting a ethereal glow across the lake was a full moon. It's beauty was subtle, yet captivating; a picture worth remembering on sunless days. All of this and more was lost on the brute. He looked out across the water and saw...water. Beauty was a thing lost on him. The concept had played no part in his previous years and thus held no meaning for him now. It wasn't that he was incapable of recognizing it, just blind to its existence altogether.

He lowered himself and began to drink. It was then that movement not far away caught his eye and the brute found himself spying on the lighter form of a moon-bathed fae. For a moment he just just watched, curiosity keeping him from his drink, and when she finally pulled herself out of the water he abandoned his unquenched thirst entirely to make his way towards her. Likely she wouldn't want the company, but remaining in the shadows would make him feel like a peeping tom.

Thor announced his presence with a short bark. He presented himself as an uncommitted loner, neither so dominant in his stance as to be threatening nor so submissive as to give the impression of vulnerability. The picture of friendly neutrality, he stood quietly waiting for her attention. "It's kind of dark for a swim, isn't it?" Who knew what kind of toe munching creatures could be lurking under the surface.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]