
crumbling down


02-11-2014, 10:19 PM

She wouldn't have to wait too much longer when a black male peeked over the side of the rock down at her. Ice blues looked up at him, wide with surprise. He wasn't what she had imagined. He was large, but not in the gut, just large than she had thought. His eyes were interesting too. That would make two wolves now that she had seen with bi-colored eyes. Was it a common occurrence here in Alacritis? His comment on her being small made her frown up at him.Well I cant help that.. She replied back rather hotly. She snorted, her cute? Nah she was just average looking. As he said he be right back she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at his retreating back.

She was lay there waiting, paws fumbling around with the hawk laying in her chest till the black male returned. Well at least it seemed he wouldn't be taking her meal or attacking he. But would he actually return to help her? She huffed and tried to wiggle but only succeeded in hurting her shoulder more. She frowned trying to pinpoint what really hurt in her shoulder. It was bruised no doubt but seemed to work just fine. So perhaps she had just wrenched it really good when she landed on it. A stick was suddenly waving infront of her with the male telling her to grab on. She had to smile, happy he had returned. But what about her meal. She might had been stuck, shoulder hurting but her stomach still let out a loud rumble. What about my hawk?! She called up. She would try to hoist it up between her two front paws to him. She still wanted to eat it. She'd be damned to go through all this trouble and not eat it. If he took the hawk o place up there, then she would grab onto the stick, jaws crouching down with all the force a wolf would muster. When he would pull she would wiggling her body till she was lifted enough to use her paws to help climb the rest of the way up.

She shoulder screamed at her, making her wince as she crouched there on top of the rock. She sighed and turned her eyes to the male with a shy cheeky smile.Thank you so much. I'm Angel Madieke Black. She said happily as she introduced herself. She was glade someone had been around. Who knew how long she would have been down there if this male hadn't been here.

I can talk!