
Meet & Greet


02-12-2014, 12:17 AM
ooc: set after the meeting, when Roman's explained everything to them. this is also a lame starter, but roman wants to meet everyone, yes.

The white queen had taken a liking to the land that the Tortugan empire had claimed, but she still hadn't met many of the members, aside from the meeting. She needed to get an idea of who they were as a person. She'd taken a liking to the lake as well, finding herself drawn to its shores when she was contemplating things. In the slowly setting sun, she found herself watching the reflection of the sun as she sat at the lakes bank, her violet eyes watching the water. Her mind was busy, but she was interested to see if any of the other wolves would be lurking, at this hour. After all, the lake was a large source of fresh water for the wolves and prey alike. At the thought of prey her stomach rumbled sligtly and she mentally hushed it, she could eat later, but for now she felt like getting to know those under her rule, and figuring out just where everyone belonged in the ranks. So she would wait, wondering who may or may not make a late night appearance at the banks of the water, and wondering if they'd be interested in conversation.
