
Set Fire to the Rain


02-12-2014, 01:24 AM

here to relive your darkest moments

It had been an hour. A very long hour, by Flamesong's point of view. He had been worrying over the cold, the rain, and the harsh head wound that seemed to keep his companion in a coma. She had what looked to be some very tender flesh around her ribcage and spine, and a growing lump at the top of her skull. She was seriously banged up.

He hoped that the girl had not suffered a concussion. The man was not skilled as a healer and knew that the nearest medic was miles away. He blinked fiery eyes out into the howling night sky and let a sigh escape from his jaws. Her breathing was no longer labored and the bleeding from her minor injuries had stopped. She was doing well considering the trauma her body had just gone through. Now the storm just needed to let up.

The sound of a whimper had Flamesong turning away quickly from the cave mouth to check on his friend. She lifted her head slightly and was rewarded with the worried reaction of the silver man rushing to her side.

"Don't worry your head, Qanik. Just lie down. I found you beneath a tree branch and you were unconscious. You've suffered a serious head trauma. I'm still uncertain of just how bad it may be. We need a healer..." His eyes squinted as he pressed his muzzle against the girl's shoulder, breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm just so glad you're awake. I was worried you wouldn't.." Briefly, his mind wandered back to the crippled image of her beneath the tree branch. He shuddered, and inwardly blamed the cold for his reaction.

Right now, their only option was to stay warm and alive. From what he could tell the storm would be at least another day. He and Qanik would just have to accept that they would be each others only company for a while, especially if she remained in such weak state.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]