
Set Fire to the Rain



8 Years
02-12-2014, 02:29 PM


in defense of the innocent

"Oh..." Qanik's voice was a breathy shadow of her usual husky tenor, but however thready it may be it was still there. "Did you bring me to a cave, then? Is that why it's so dark?" The tension in her body showed that she already knew the answer to that - the air was too fresh, too damp from rain, and the thunder too close for them to be too far underground for sight. She didn't know much about healing, but it stood to reason that a bad blow to the head could damage her sight. And in this storm, a healer would be a long time coming...

She swallowed, hard, and tried to concentrate instead on the warm body next to her. Flamesong - he hadn't needed to save her. She wasn't part of his pack, and one pleasant conversation didn't mean he even considered her a friend. The storm had been a bad one. It would have been a terrible risk for him to carry her here, by himself, even for a short distance and she had no idea how far this cave was from where she'd been injured. He certainly didn't need to stay with her the whole time. So why?

To take her mind off her concerns - and his, were he to be worried over her at all - she spoke again. "Did your pack all return safely to the mainland for the storm?" Bringing up his pack was a pointed reminder to herself - Flamesong was Valhallan, not Tortugan, and she needed to remember that. Even though he'd inexplicably rescued her. Even though she actually liked him. But the reminder only served to bring her right back to where she started... Why had he saved her?

A sigh huffed out, scattering dust unseen before her. Better to wonder about that than to worry about the darkness.


cowardice is the only sin