
we're born with the death penalty



5 Years
02-12-2014, 03:59 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2014, 05:21 PM by Aldoro.)

The man's heart fluttered as he stared into her bright purple gaze. He wanted to be with this woman. He never wanted to slip away from her, even if it meant going blind or deaf. The boy just wanted to be by her side at every moment of the day. He wanted to stare into her cheerful gaze and lick her, comforting her if she was ever sad or discouraged. Yes, he wanted to be her mate. But wouldn't that mean he'd become her king if she became the queen of Amenti? Oh, that was quite a responsibility...could he do it? Yes...but patience would be needed. He'd need a visual on how to rule, even if Six was the overall leader. But either way, he'd be her mate. Even without her chance of getting a rank so special.

"Yes...yes. I will be your mate. And I will never leave your side..." His words slipped out of his opened maw gently while his face beamed with excitement. The boy's tail wagged lightly behind him. He couldn't help but lick her across the muzzle again. He had a mate...and he was prepared to face whatever came in between them. He was ready to lead a pack beside her. Ready to walk the woman through hard times...Aldoro slowly lifted himself off her and sprawled his body out onto the messy ground beside her. He smiled and flattened his ears against his head slowly. "So, my mate, huh?" He let forth a light chuckle before continuing. "So, what's your opinion on pups? Do them?" The man grinned mischeviously toward her, his bright alabaster teeth revealed.