
No longer me! I am Someone elce.


03-23-2013, 10:09 AM

Tikaani chuckled at the fea's words. What did she want? And who she was. Those words just made her laugh even harder now. Something about this fea made her want to toy around some more. Tikaani ran her tongue around her maw as she stood there eying the dame. What will she do, would she play cat and mouse some more or throw up a conversation. A grimes smile emerged from her maw, She will do both. how fun would that be. Conversation and the game, Such a delight. Tikaani took a seat and looked at the fea, and in a bone chilling voice she spoke to her. "What do i want, oh nothing much. just the basics, you know, The sound and fell of bones crushing beneath my jaws. Mostly the taste of warm ooozing blood, sliding down my throat." She chuckled.

Tikaani licked her paw and gazed back up at the Fea. "As for who i am i told you i am the grim reaper." She said as she stood up and walked closer tot he fea there maws almost touched. She ran her tongue across the fea's face. She pulled back and smiled, "Well you do taste good now" She said as she glared at the other wolf. This was fun oh how she loved to toy around with others. Her tail swayed as she stood there looking at the fea. Tikaani could tell that the dame was trying to remain calm, but by the looks of it it seems like she was doing decent.

"So tell me Fea, who do i have in my presence. Company is quite nice in a storm like this." She said as she begun to walk a bit. Tikaani was not sure as to why this fea had come, was it curiosity, or just her luck. What ever it was it was a delight to the blood thirsty, female. So much question from both sides, but what Tikaani wanted more is to sink her fangs into the female. She wanted to feel the blood running down her flesh and throat. It was almost orgasmic just to think about it.