
Bleeding out for you


02-13-2014, 09:58 PM

[Image: 0pmdfzb.png]





Round One

It wasn't long before the brute realized the howl that was also longing for a good spar had belonged to a fae. As he trotted forth, the obsidian beast would snort into the air. His heart raced with anticipation, soon realizing with the charging ivory wolf before him, there would be no time for mere introductions and proper acceptance of each others current situations. Though, in those moments of understanding, the brute let a smirk of coy, sick amusement crawl across his maw, his midnight colored lips peeling back slowly with a conniving sense of enjoyment allowing his ivory's pierce into eye-line. He tensed and waited for impact, pelt standing on end, tightly peeled against his quivering musculature. His gaze of silver sharpened, his dial slowly dipping as she neared him faster than he had thought, suddenly his brief moment of hesitation was slightly thrown off, and the brute was kicked from his position into a rear.

Ivory's peeled into the air and a snarl ensued from his throat, deep and sharp into the airwaves. Titanium optics perched at the snowy female. Her abrupt hit sent the ecstatic brute into an uproar, his physique exploded into a frenzy of energy and testosterone. Rearing back momentarily upon his hind legs, the brute came down slowly, bending his thick body at his right rib cage against her thrusting shoulder, a thump hitting his chest, air sharply escaping from his nostrils as they flared. The sudden breath being knocked from him made his landing a bit rough, but with her hard hit he noticed her own sharp daggers lining her maw begin to bare towards his side As she lunged for him, teeth gearing towards his right ribcage, the brute's titanium gaze narrowed and his auds remained flat against his skull. As she curled into her hit, the male did the same, his brutal daggers painted into his left fore-paw struck out towards his opponents right flank in order to cause damage to the designated area. His ivory's shimmering as saliva slid across his lips and nostrils. Thrusting forward against his forepaws the beast aimed for her folded ribcage with his jaws. Using his body weight against the colossal fighter. He attempted to overtake her and throw her into a spin between their yin-yanged position.

Spinning his bodice into her as hard as he could, the brutes rear legs pushed as hard as possible to unlock them, all the while his jaws aimed wildly for her right side. As he pushed against her, he felt a stinging pain at his right ribcage, a pull and rip cause the brute to yelp out in pain abruptly though only for a short time, warm crimson blood flooding momentarily from the ripped edge where the fae has torn away, the other side of her bite had a good sized puncture.

Word Count: 476

Tag(s): Tea!, --, --

Mood: Rigid, Ready, On-edge


Defense: Coat fluffed in excitement and for protection, eyes are narrowed to protect against teeth and claws, ears are pinned to the skull, and forward position to brace for impact.

Attacks: Rears up from impact in attempt to escape super hard impact. He yin-yang's around Qanik who went after his left ribcage, he went after her right, using his left paw to slash at her flank as well as his jaws to aim for her side to lock and hold a bite. Keeps moving his hind legs to spin her out of position.

Injuries: Initial attack from Qanik caused a sharp bite to his side, catching his flesh with both canines and ripping open one side of the bite, a lot of blood was drawn with one puncture wound and one rip with the other. Initial hit from Qanik's shoulder ramming into Hinge also cause slight bruising on one upper rib.

OOC: Oh my gosh, she is goin' crazy! But Hinge likey! ;D. Also, sorry about a poopy post, it's been a long ass time since i've gotten back into this, plus had a fight/spar, so i'm a bit rusty lol promise it'll get better! :3

EDIT: Corrected injuries to Hinge.