
From Whence You Came (pups)



3 Years
03-23-2013, 10:30 AM

The howl that summoned her came early in the morning, shattering pleasant dreams about hunting through Seracia's territory. Kamala made a pitiful noise, wriggling around a little to hide her face from the early morning sun, rather unwilling to get up that early. After a few long moments, however, she stirred, poking her head out of her den with a long sigh. The howl did not sound particularly familiar, which was something that concerned Kamala. She had thought she had kept track of most new wolves entering Seracia. It seemed that she had not been paying as much attention as she should have been. Kamala was not exactly the ruler of Seracia, nor would she likely ever be, but Seracia was small and therefore there was no excuse for not recognizing one of the wolves.

Ears twitching, Kamala stretched slowly, a gaptoothed yawn escaping the young wolfess as she wandered from her den, shaking herself vigorously. Another yawn made her jaw creak and crack before she set off in the direction that the howl had originated from, plumy gray tail waving contentedly in the air as she padded through Seracia's territory.

It did not take her unduly long to reach the source of the howl. It was a gray wolf, one that she recalled vaguely having seen around before, maybe once or twice at the most. Ears twitching, Kamala shook her head slightly. She would figure it out soon, she was sure. "Greetings, Sir." Kamala inclined her head slightly in the male's direction, ears pricking towards the other wolf. "May I ask why you have summoned us?" Well, she was assuming that the howl had been directed at her siblings as well.

The mark on his shoulder was a curious thing, but Kamala wasn't sure that it would be proper to ask about it just yet. Instead, she examined the wolf curiously, trying to take in everything about his appearance while she waited for his response.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.