
A frozen Waste


02-08-2013, 12:02 PM
It was not long before morning came again and the brute awoke with a yawn. He crawled out of the den and stretched with another yawn. THane then shook out his fur and started to groom out the pieces of snow that had settle in his dar fur.

"A prince should always look presentable and gallant as always." said a high soothing voice with enough order in it to make an entire pack to do her bidding, and they did.

Thane shook his head with a smile as his mother's lessons still haunted him as well but he couldn't say they weren't useful.

He smiled as he finished grooming out the ice bits and stood up in a gallant pose taking in the sunshine. He then looked over to his beloved with a smile. Oh how he ever so secretly wanted to have a little girl one day. ANothr princess in his life, he thought with a smile. Thane walked over to Ookami and nuzzled her softly as he waited for Cyril to return with word of their direction. Thane also wondered at the same time if he ever did have a little girl, he wondered if he would be able to name her after his deceased sister. There were many new thoughts and many new ideas and his tail silently wagged across the ice for his aqua ble eyes shone with happiness. Perhaps if h had a son that would be great as well, another little soul for himto love and cherish. Right now he did not know of the future for anything could happen, there were numerous possibilities and they would only have to wait until they were both safe and settled.